Fleetwood Mac ruled the world for a decade or so from the mid-'70's to the mid-'80's. To this day few can touch the majesty of Stevie, Lindsey, Christine, John, and Mick. Powerhouses don't come much stronger than this. Here are their ten best:
1. STORMS – Never have I been a blue calm sea, I have always been a storm..
A dream like no other, one that keeps dreaming and never wakes up. This song is full of shivers, cobwebs, glowing orbs, deep sleep, and distant waves. Like a ghost on your mind, behind your back, floating just beneath the ceiling. I don't know of anything better than this.
2. DREAMS – I keep my visions to myself..
Really, the drums say it all- not like a heartbeat, stronger. Freedom never sounded so claustrophobic or so eerie. Pedal steel so spry, so misty, so sunset, it’ll eat your heart right out. Confessions.
3. GYPSY – Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice.. I have no fear, only love..
Last chances, long-armed lace, and pure gothic mystery.
4. CRYSTAL – Drove me through the mountains.. to the sea...
Starts out like clouds and gets caught in the undertow, that slow magic sea sprawl. I can't help but imagine someplace like The Neverending Story or Avalon everytime I hear this. Total fantasy and oblivion.
5. SARA – You’re the poet in my heart..
This song is so smooth and easy, it just radiates. There's those drums again. The most amazing sound in the world. Lost in love.
6. PLANETS OF THE UNIVERSE – Take your leave, take your leave...
A song about disappearing, fading away, interhuman magnetism, and interplanetary disconnect.
7. SEVEN WONDERS - I'll never live to match the beauty again..
Moments forever fleeting, goldmines, and finding your own way to the ends of the earth.
8. OVER & OVER - All you have to do is speak out my name, and I would come running anyway..
Christine's greatest vocal, so cool and so soulful. A real slow-burner of disbelief.
9. NEVER GOING BACK AGAIN - You don't know what it means to win..
This song completely captures the feelings of the Rumours era for me. Where they've been, where they are, where they're going.
10. SISTERS OF THE MOON - Intense silence, her black robes trailing..
A love song, an obsession, a letter to the night..
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