Floria Sigismondi
United States, 2010
I have been waiting for this movie to come out for what seems like forever. At first mainly because I had just gotten into The Runaways and also because my beloved Kristen Stewart was in it. After seeing it, neither of those are why I loved it the most. That would be because of Dakota Fanning. Dakota was fascinating in this, I really can't even put into words just how good she was. She deserves every award, every positive review, every inch of column that she will get for her portrayal of Cherie Currie. I can only think of a handful of performances in the last ten years that might compare to her in this: Melissa Leo in Frozen River, Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette...?? Dakota had so much confidence, so much beauty, so much lost little girl, but mostly just so much cool in her. She looked amazing in every scene and her acting and singing were really beyond compare. Dakota Fanning is definitely the best actress around these days, hands down.
Kristen Stewart did a really great job with Joan Jett- the last scene with her in the iconic magenta pink blazer was really something else. The other amazing performance was from Stella Maeve as Sandy West. She was so perfectly '70's California: stone-cold, laid-back-style. She was so good that it was really hard to imagine this was a girl from 2010 and not from thirty-some years ago.
The movie was plot-wise pretty standard biopic, but coming from the director of music videos for the likes of Tricky, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and David Bowie, it seemed really authentic. The colors were amazing, with a lot of use of light which gave it that same 1970's glow as The Virgin Suicides, but darker and a little more jaded. In fact, thinking about it now, The Runaways seems to share a lot with The Virgin Suicides... if the Lisbon girls were taken out of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, turned into rock stars, and flown to Japan to make it big. The story of The Runaways is really fascinating.. I don't think five girls could get away with something like that these days even, let alone become as popular as they did. What seems to sum up the feeling of this movie the most for me is that of that Raymond Pettibone image: It was all whirlwind, heat, and flash.
1 comment:
I darn good review!!!
I feel the same, with only a diference... I think Kristen Stewart was incredible too, as well, Michael Shannon.
These two actress are so talent and so down to earth that for sure they will be sitting in the same hall beside Jodie Foster and Meryl Streep in the future.
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