Debbie Harry, meet Sitting Bull.
I love reading interviews. The best ones I've read are almost always from Interview magazine- go figure. The one that I think of a lot and has never quite left my local memory is from April 2006 between Jessica Lange and Ann Roth. At the time I was most interested in Jessica because she was married to Sam Shepard who I was crazy about at the time. After reading this interview I started watching some of her films and learning more about her. My favorite performance by her is in Wim Wender's impossible not to love and visually gorgeous Don't Come Knocking. She won a Best Actress Academy award for Blue Sky and a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for Tootsie. I've only attached the end of the interview, but this is the part that stayed with me. I went out to buy A River Runs Through It the very next day.
AR: So, what else? Were you a cheerleader growing up?
JL: Oh, dear God, no. I never fit in anywhere, Ann, and I'm telling you the truth. I try to go back and think, Okay now, where was it that you belonged? And I can't. I never felt like I belonged in Minnesota when I was growing up there. That's why I was out the door as soon as I turned 18. The only place I've ever felt was really my home is my cabin up north. Do you know that last line from A River Runs Through If?- I am haunted by waters. There's something in the water up there that connects me to that place. But there's also this sense of isolation and loneliness about it that I've never been able to shake.
AR: Do you dislike that feeling?
JL: I don't mind it- I mean, I've lived with it my whole life.FOREVER FLEETWOOD
Fleetwood Mac ruled the world for a decade or so from the mid-'70's to the mid-'80's. To this day few can touch the majesty of Stevie, Lindsey, Christine, John, and Mick. Powerhouses don't come much stronger than this. Here are their ten best:
1. STORMS – Never have I been a blue calm sea, I have always been a storm..
A dream like no other, one that keeps dreaming and never wakes up. This song is full of shivers, cobwebs, glowing orbs, deep sleep, and distant waves. Like a ghost on your mind, behind your back, floating just beneath the ceiling. I don't know of anything better than this.
2. DREAMS – I keep my visions to myself..
Really, the drums say it all- not like a heartbeat, stronger. Freedom never sounded so claustrophobic or so eerie. Pedal steel so spry, so misty, so sunset, it’ll eat your heart right out. Confessions.
3. GYPSY – Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice.. I have no fear, only love..
Last chances, long-armed lace, and pure gothic mystery.
4. CRYSTAL – Drove me through the mountains.. to the sea...
Starts out like clouds and gets caught in the undertow, that slow magic sea sprawl. I can't help but imagine someplace like The Neverending Story or Avalon everytime I hear this. Total fantasy and oblivion.
5. SARA – You’re the poet in my heart..
This song is so smooth and easy, it just radiates. There's those drums again. The most amazing sound in the world. Lost in love.
6. PLANETS OF THE UNIVERSE – Take your leave, take your leave...
A song about disappearing, fading away, interhuman magnetism, and interplanetary disconnect.
7. SEVEN WONDERS - I'll never live to match the beauty again..
Moments forever fleeting, goldmines, and finding your own way to the ends of the earth.
8. OVER & OVER - All you have to do is speak out my name, and I would come running anyway..
Christine's greatest vocal, so cool and so soulful. A real slow-burner of disbelief.
9. NEVER GOING BACK AGAIN - You don't know what it means to win..
This song completely captures the feelings of the Rumours era for me. Where they've been, where they are, where they're going.
10. SISTERS OF THE MOON - Intense silence, her black robes trailing..
A love song, an obsession, a letter to the night..
Tonight's post is two of my favorite top ten lists: one from Catherine Breillat and one from Kate and Laura Mulleavy of Rodarte. I love reading about people's favorite things, especially when they involve music or film. I love the way Catherine writes about her choices- so strict, definitive, and she doesn't waste a single letter. Her latest film, Barbe Bleue, is based on the fairytale Bluebeard by Charles Perrault and is scheduled for release sometime this year.
Rodarte's descriptions are of course a lot like their clothing: gothic, romantic, and ethereal with echoes of childhood, femininity, and nature. Their new collection for Target is in stores now.
Catherine Breillat's Top 10 for the 2002 Sight & Sound Poll
First, because I wouldn't otherwise have been able to make Romance. It made me understand that an image is not pornographic in itself, it's the way we look at it that renders it pornographic. More generally, I'd say that the image doesn't exist in itself, but is deciphered through our emotions. It is the means through which film-makers translate their ideas. This is why I make personal films, because in the end it's my signature on the film, even though others contribute to its making.
Because it's the first film I saw, and it contains all cinema. The combination of beauty and ugliness is at once fascinating and embarrassing. This ambiguity of opposites provides the poetry of the next three films.
Because it's essential it exists and it's terrible to watch.
For Antonioni's inexpicable modernity.
Because even though I saw it 40 years ago, I know I must see it again and that Dreyer is perhaps the greatest.
There must be one Bresson.
10. TEN
Perfect Kiarostami, because there's no more image, no more mise en scène, just a camera and intelligence, and pure thought.
Rodarte's Top 10 for the Criterion Collection
Beauty and the Beast serves as a metaphor for the artistic process, exploring the creative through mythology and the arc of the fairy tale. One must travel to dark and mysterious places in order to be saved. Diamond tears, spilled for those brief and elusive moments in life, offer a glimpse of universal clarity. This movie, in its own way, displays a sense of perfection... but it is fleeting, as if seen in a rearview mirror. Ultimately, it is an instruction manual on how to fall in love with another, with oneself, and with true beauty. Cocteau never suggests that all fairy tales end happily ever after, and maybe it is better this way.
Epic. Wagnerian. A love story told in vibrant colors, sound, chinoiseries, wallpaper, and sheets of rain.
Hiroshima Mon Amour has possibly the best opening of any film, ever. History unfolds in a dreamlike narrative; love and passion intersect with violence, beauty, and the foreign. The notion of romantic love is blinding, intoxicating, horrifying, and breathtaking... like the afterglow of a nuclear holocaust.
Bergman’s intended swan song offers amazing insight into the vision of one of the world’s greatest auteurs. Fanny and Alexander is a meditation on art, beauty, religion, and family. Personal history is both truth and fairy tale; it unfolds like a dream or a Swedish summer night where darkness never comes. In the end, Bergman asserts that one’s past has the power to both save and destroy. This idea is profoundly hopeful, and yet terribly devastating.
The first time I watched this film, I felt truly alone and isolated. The juxtaposition of European society and civility with the untamed landscape results in vast and expansive mystery. There is a desperation that comes from watching this film. Of course, this could only end in one way: the cannibalism of Victorian sensibilities.
I love the moment in French cinema this film captures: the height of the French new wave, when Truffaut honestly believed he could lead a revolution against the bourgeois establishment with a camera and impeccable taste. It is funny, however, that any truly brilliant piece of political artistry eventually becomes seen as established taste. No matter how you view the film, as a feat of aestheticism or a revolution of sorts, it is incredibly stunning and thought provoking.
This is one of our all-time favorite films. The Silence of the Lambs is a truly brilliant and uniquely American horror film. It exists as a fragile spiderweb: at the heart of this web a strange and delicate truth remains trapped, always with the hope of escape... The intimacy that develops and exists between the characters can be destroyed at any moment, and that is the true terror that propels the action. Ultimately, these fragile relationships are used to explore the most perverted aspects of the American dream: excess, greed, and violence.
This film makes me glad that we are from Northern California, raised by two dreamers, but secretly jealous that we’re not Rockefellers or Vanderbilts. Sometimes we can’t tell if we love these characters or despise them... you know, sort of like your old stuffed animals.
This movie is almost a complete inversion of Louis Malle’s Au Revoir Les Enfants, where the horrors of Vichy France are made all the more terrible juxtaposed to the innocence and ideal of youth. Here, you have the violence of Mussolini and terror of Fascist Italy completely erased by the antics of a bunch of horny teenagers. This film is visually gorgeous; the scene where the peacock flies in the snow always stays in mind. What makes this film so interesting is the notion that idealized beauty is not enough—visual beauty is grounded by the humanity and sometimes fallibility of the characters.